Thursday, December 31, 2009


ahh 2010, i can't believe it's 2010! 2009 was a special year, a lot happened and ALOT changed. list of very important things that happened in 2009...

graduated high school
started college at CSU
made the cheerleading team
went to Los Angeles, California
flew on a plane for the first time (also by myself)
senior prom
senior ski trip
senior trip to Disney World
all those other fun "Senior" activities (breakfast, drive-thru, auction)
played Tinkerbell in my spring performance at Northwood
had my last dance performance
started playing guitar
went to Florida to cheer
my niece, Sophie, was born
got a Macbook
cut my hair shorter than i ever have before
met some really great people that are very good friends
and started my blog!

although i'm sure i left out a few things, that is a lot of epic things to have happened to one girl in one year! but i am thankful for everyone of those things. It may be kind of hard, but i am going to try and top that list with 2010. 2009 you were very good to me, but im excited to see what 2010 will bring to the table.

Friday, December 18, 2009


something i have been suffering from lately. it is really taking a toll on my life, physically and mentally. it started about a week before finals. i dont think i have fallen asleep before 5AM in about two weeks and also in that time frame i have pulled about three or four all nighters. not because i was up late studying or i have a lot on my mind. i mean its christmas break what could i be stressing about? i dont know but it has really been getting on my nerves lately. i just want to sleep for crying out loud! this not sleeping thing has really made me act weird. i have so many capitalization errors and typos in this blog and i dont even feel like fixing them. comment below if you have any at home sleep remedies or tips for helping my condition. it would be much appreciated.

but on a lighter note, i had a really great day with some friends from high school! i love all you girls so much.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

preview of coming attractions

What a week! I have been super sick these past couple of days with bronchitis. It hasn't been great. Although I am super thankful for being able to relax and sleep all day, I am not thankful for coughing all the time and having achy muscles. Well, other than being sick these past couple of days, the next few weeks for me are going to be pretty eventful! starting thursday its none stop fun/torture for the next two weeks! thursday i have an exam in the afternoon, but then I'm going to see COLBIE CAILLATwith my roommate and best friend Kirsten, my favorite class of 2010 girl Liz and one of my BCF's, Deja!!!! but then after that its back to the books to study for my english final the next day! I am also excited for the new disney movie "the Princess and the Frog"!
Which I will be seeing with my favorite little girls and their wonderful mommy, SG, Rylee, and Anita McCart! After church on sunday i will be doing absolutely nothing but preparing for my Old Testament final on monday! that one is going to be tough. The good news is that after my OT final i should be having nothing but fun. Although leaving the dorm and living at home is going to be a downer, I am kind of excited about sleeping in my own bed and watching MTV. (the CSU campus doesn't offer that channel!). I am also very excited about reuniting with my class of '09! I can't wait to spend all my time with my two best friends kirsten and olivia, and my three boys jerrid, jacoby and nick! As Elle Woods says in one of my favorite movies, "It will be just like senior year, except for funner!"