Friday, December 18, 2009


something i have been suffering from lately. it is really taking a toll on my life, physically and mentally. it started about a week before finals. i dont think i have fallen asleep before 5AM in about two weeks and also in that time frame i have pulled about three or four all nighters. not because i was up late studying or i have a lot on my mind. i mean its christmas break what could i be stressing about? i dont know but it has really been getting on my nerves lately. i just want to sleep for crying out loud! this not sleeping thing has really made me act weird. i have so many capitalization errors and typos in this blog and i dont even feel like fixing them. comment below if you have any at home sleep remedies or tips for helping my condition. it would be much appreciated.

but on a lighter note, i had a really great day with some friends from high school! i love all you girls so much.

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