graduated high school
started college at CSU
made the cheerleading team
went to Los Angeles, California
flew on a plane for the first time (also by myself)
senior prom
senior ski trip
senior trip to Disney World
all those other fun "Senior" activities (breakfast, drive-thru, auction)
played Tinkerbell in my spring performance at Northwood
had my last dance performance
started playing guitar
went to Florida to cheer
my niece, Sophie, was born
got a Macbook
cut my hair shorter than i ever have before
met some really great people that are very good friends
and started my blog!
although i'm sure i left out a few things, that is a lot of epic things to have happened to one girl in one year! but i am thankful for everyone of those things. It may be kind of hard, but i am going to try and top that list with 2010. 2009 you were very good to me, but im excited to see what 2010 will bring to the table.